Who What Wear Podcast: Holiday Makeup

Thinking about office parties or family gatherings, what would you suggest to look like the best version of yourself? Maybe upping the ante a little bit but not going fully overboard?

This is something that I definitely do, where I save the big, glittery, bold, lips for big parties, events, things like that. In the office and family, I kind of keep it low-key, but just a little bit better than what I would maybe normally look at the office. Especially since I feel like I’m pretty minimal.

I usually do a skin tint, maybe some mascara and a lip gloss.

I think just wearing a little bit of color on your lips. I feel like this is the best time of year to do something that—maybe a really pretty berry or a wine color. Even a red that you find that’s like flattering for your skin tone and hair.

Maybe it’s even just adding a gloss or just doing a liner if you normally just do mascara.

I think people get really intimidated with eyeliner, but I think liquid liner is actually pretty easy.

Even if it’s just doing a little flick on your sides can immediately add some definition and make your features just pop a little bit more.

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